- in Year First (2013) / Issue Second, Author(s): Petya Nikolaeva Kalcheva
The present article outlines an innovative product related to students using information technologies during the implementationof the project “Memor...
- in Year First (2013) / Issue Fourth, Author(s): Petya Trifonova, Nikolina Danova, Radka Zlatanova
...ts in the process of education and turn them into subjects through using appropriate Dynamic Geometry Software in teaching on the topic of “The Mid-...
- in Year Ninth (2021) / Issue Second, Author(s): Petya Maneva, Milena Ilieva | DOI: 10.15547/PF.2021.010
...om real-time offline environment into online digital one. Thus, the social process that allows students to learn from their teachers and lecturers sho...
- in Year Sixth (2018) / Issue Second, Author(s): Petya Veleva, Lina Jordanova, Gabriela Kiriakova, Nadejda Angelova | DOI: 10.15547/PF.2018.010
... and at the same time the global Internet is fostering our abilities to search for deeper meanings. The current study looks at Bulgarian embroidery ar...