Instructions to authors

The online journal Pedagogical Forum publishes scientific, popular science, review and information materials. Scientific articles should contain original scientific results and ideas. They will be reviewed by two anonymous and independent reviewers. The author shall be notified of the result by letter to his / her email address.
Materials in Bulgarian, Russian or English are published. Where Bulgarian is used, a summary in English and a translation of the title, keywords and address of the author (authors) are required after the main text.

Suggested articles are not editable. The authors are responsible for the spelling, punctuation, word order, graphic layout, citation, and logical structure of the materials offered.

StrikePlagiarism Sofware is used for checking plagiarism.

The fee for publishing is 120 € per article and is to be deposited in the office of the DIITT or by bank transfer:
UNICREDIT BULBANK AD - Stara Zagora Branch,
account BG39UNCR70003418795020
by writing for the e-magazine Pedagogical Forum.

Manuscripts are sent via Submitting a manuscript menu. Оther electronic devices are permissible, in which case the mailing address of the Department for Information and In-Service of Teacher, Trakia University, 6010 Stara Zagora, 9 Armeyska Str., Should be used.

Article layout form