- in Year Ninth (2021) / Issue Fourth, Author(s): Margarita Slavova, Angel Slavchev | DOI: 10.15547/PF.2021.026
The problem situation is one of the ways to form general learning skills in the study of natural sciences. It provides an opportunity to apply the ind...
- in Year First (2013) / Issue First, Author(s): Tiha Delcheva, Galja Kozhuharova, Dimitrina Branekova, Jana Atanasova, Angel Slavchev, Valentina Sharlanova, Marijan Delchev
- in Year Second (2014) / Issue Fourth, Author(s): Angel Slavchev
The empirical pedagogical study aims to draw conclusions based on the statistical processing of data, obtained through specially organized activities....
- in Year Third (2015) / Issue First, Author(s): Angel Dimitrov Slavchev | DOI: DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.007
... includes the creation and use of diagnostic methods and means for state evaluation which may lead to an improved pedagogical process. It consists of ...
- in Year Third (2015) / Issue First, Author(s): Margarita Peneva, Angel Slavchev | DOI: DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.008
... formulate adequate conclusions. These methods are related to choosing and applying appropriate scales and statistical methods for result processing. ...
- in Year Third (2015) / Issue Second, Author(s): Angel Dimitrov Slavchev | DOI: DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.021
...ing of data obtained from measurements, taken using a nominal or range scale. This is common in empirical pedagogical studies and determines their wid...