The Educational Process in the Context of the "Rubicon" Period According to Waldorf Pedagogy and Rudolph Steiner

This article is about one of the ego or I crises that the growing young person at the age of nine goes through on his or her way to maturity. This is the time when childhood ends and that is why fear, anxiety and uncertainty appear in the children. Each and every one of us goes through this period when we lose the childish relationship and connection to the world. Later on when we grow up we have the chance to decide whether we want to gain it again but consciously or not. The more informed the teachers and the parents are about what happens to the children during this critical period that they go through, the calmer, more adequate and more useful they can be for them. And when the authorities of the children are aware what to do, what methods to apply, what subjects to teach the students and what behavior to have in front of them, the easier the children will pass through this unavoidable part of their development and the more fully they will develop and grow, receiving wonderful conditions to fully realize their potential and talents. The answers to these questions are sought in Waldorf pedagogy and Rudolf Steiner's ideas on the subject.