- in Year First (2013) / Issue Second, Author(s): Marinela Grudeva
The problem of interaction is not a new one for pedagogical theory and practice. The literature review reveals results obtained from a number of studi...
- in Year Second (2014) / Issue second, Author(s): Tsonka Kasnakova – Ivanova
... history is acquired through a comparative analysis of teaching history in Bulgaria and Turkey. The emphasis is on the capacity of social sciences to ...
- in Year Second (2014) / Issue second, Author(s): Tsvetanka Taneva Ivanova
- in Year Second (2014) / Issue Third, Author(s): Tiha Deltcheva, Dimitrina Branekova, Galja Kozhuharova, Valentina Charlanova, Dinko Stratiev, Daniela Ivanova
The present report resulted from the participation of DIITT, Trakia University, Stara Zagora as a leading organization in the project Educational Poli...
- in Year Third (2015) / Issue First, Author(s): Daniela Ivanova | DOI: DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.005
...s and functions of the software and its compatibility with different operating systems. We have also outlined several software programs with similar f...
- in Year Third (2015) / Issue Fourth, Author(s): Galya Kozhuharova, Daniela Ivanova | DOI: DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.035
...ern educational systems which promptly seek how to apply appropriate teaching methods in practice. The article presents a generalized didactic models ...
- in Year Sixth (2018) / Issue Second, Author(s): Snezhana Kaleva Ivanova | DOI: 10.15547/PF.2018.014
...ctivity in children. In nowadays education interactive teaching is becoming increasingly popular. The project-based method of learning is the fundamen...
- in Year Fourth (2016) / Issue Second, Author(s): Аnastasia Georgieva, Marinela Grudeva | DOI: 10.15547/PF.2015.051
...daptedness. It is manifested in the ability of the individual to perform their main activities productively, flawlessly and without conflicting disrup...