"Enigmas and paradigms in some 20th Century Italian Women Writers": women’s contribution in various eras

The present book review explores the limits of "Écriture féminine" through the prism of language and memory, with a focus on its dimensions in Italy, which are little known in our country. Historical, economic, political, social and cultural specificities are also taken into account. The importance and relevance of the topic is determined by the lack of a comprehensive study that explores Italian women’s writing, covering the period from the Unification of Italy (1861) to the end of the 20th century and outlining possible horizons for future observations and analyzes in this area. The monograph offers an analysis thanks to the theory of use, according to the views of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben, and the theory of presence, presented by the anthropologist Ernesto de Martino. This gives reason to perceive it as interdisciplinary - on the borders between literature and philosophy, literature and sociology, literature and anthropology, literature and pedagogy. The book points out the similarities between theory and research pedagogy to question literary history and theory as a prime means to conceive new pedagogical practices.