Ethical Norms for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education Ethical Norms for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Galya Kozhuharova, Mihail Kozhuharov Author(s): Galya Kozhuharova Mihail Kozhuharov DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.020 Read the article
Forgiveness as a Therapeutic Approach and a Factor in Everyday Life: Methods of Research and Means of Enhancing Forgiveness as a Therapeutic Approach and a Factor in Everyday Life: Methods of Research and Means of Enhancing Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Vera Todorova Author(s): Vera Todorova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.021 Read the article
Interaction Between Parents and Educational Professionals: Attitudes, Challenges and Opportunities Interaction Between Parents and Educational Professionals: Attitudes, Challenges and Opportunities Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Kristina Ovcharova Author(s): Kristina Ovcharova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.022 Read the article
Parental Approaches to Reading to 0- to 7-Year-Old Children: Choices, Experiences and Impact Parental Approaches to Reading to 0- to 7-Year-Old Children: Choices, Experiences and Impact Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Teodora Genova, Nadezhda Gadzhakova, Sabina Eftimova Author(s): Teodora Genova Nadezhda Gadzhakova Sabina Eftimova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.023 Read the article
Augmented Reality in Kindergarten: Transforming Learning Through Technology Augmented Reality in Kindergarten: Transforming Learning Through Technology Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Mariya Zhelyazkova, Marchela Petrova Author(s): Mariya Zhelyazkova Marchela Petrova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.024 Read the article
Motivating Unmotivated Students and Strategies For Success in Vet: A Guide for Vet Educators Motivating Unmotivated Students and Strategies For Success in Vet: A Guide for Vet Educators Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Iliyan Vasilev Author(s): Iliyan Vasilev DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.025 Read the article
Participation of Future Educators and Teachers in the Implementation of Workshop with Gifted Students: Stem and Giftedness Participation of Future Educators and Teachers in the Implementation of Workshop with Gifted Students: Stem and Giftedness Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Andrijana Miletić, Nedeljko Milanović, Sanja Mijajlović Author(s): Andrijana Miletić Nedeljko Milanović Sanja Mijajlović DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.026 Read the article
Problems of Higher Legal Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Commercialization of Science and the Status of a Teacher Problems of Higher Legal Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Commercialization of Science and the Status of a Teacher Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Akylbek T. Kabzhanov, Andrey V. Turlaev Author(s): Akylbek T. Kabzhanov Andrey V. Turlaev DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.027 Read the article
Study of Pyramids with Equal Edges, Which Have Equal Radius of the Circle Described Around Their Base Study of Pyramids with Equal Edges, Which Have Equal Radius of the Circle Described Around Their Base Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Fourth Author(s): Toni Chehlarova, Neda Chehlarova Author(s): Toni Chehlarova Neda Chehlarova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2024.028 Read the article