Attention Sustainability Impact on Social Status in the Class Attention Sustainability Impact on Social Status in the Class Year Eighth (2020) / Issue First Year Eighth (2020) / Issue First Author(s): Stanislava Varadinova Author(s): Stanislava Varadinova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2020.005 Read the article
Influence of Internet Access on the Stability, Concentration and Volume of Attention of 11th Grade Students Influence of Internet Access on the Stability, Concentration and Volume of Attention of 11th Grade Students Year Eighth (2020) / Issue Second Year Eighth (2020) / Issue Second Author(s): Kalina Bobeva, Daniela Kozhuharova Author(s): Kalina Bobeva Daniela Kozhuharova DOI: 10.15547/PF.2020.014 Read the article