Values of Students from Humanities Majors

Personal values and value orientations are discussed by various scientific disciplines (axiology, sociology, psychology etc.). This multiplicity is a sign for the theoretical and practical importance of value systems and explains the absence of consistency in their interpretation. The report presents the results of a survey conducted in 2013/14 with students of Educational Sciences at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", obtained using "Morphological test life values" (V.Sopov, L.Karpushina , 2002). The test examines base terminal values such as self-improving, spiritual development, creativity, active social contacts, self-prestige, achievements, material goods, preserving your own personality. On the other hand, they correlate to basic areas of life, such as professional life, educational sector, family life, social activity, passions, and physical activity. The survey includes 200 Bulgarian students from various majors, courses and training. The comparative analysis of the results shows balance and consistency in the selection of students. Among the most important personal values were rated spiritual development (the terminal values), combined with education (from areas of life), followed by professional and career achievements. The analysis of the areas of life shows that the greatest value is placed on educational sector.