Modelling of a Best Practice in an Inclusive School in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Inclusive Education Model of the Centre for Social Inclusive Programmes

This research presents the results of modelling of the Insight school inclusive model, describing how it is constituted with the possibility to transfer it to other schools. The study includes a description of the innovative Insight School in Almaty, Kazahkstan with their lessons learned during implementation of inclusive practices. The model consists of six pillars, each of which is important for a school to be called inclusive. Each pillar (direction) has 3 to 5 key indicators, the fulfilment of which is the basis for successful inclusion in the school. The six pillars are interconnected and visualized. The model is firmly based on the Kazakh state regulations and is permeated by what inclusion is not possible without - the culture of the school, i.e. the attitudes of the management, teachers, students, the way of life and the atmosphere in the school during lessons and in leisure time.