In order to improve the career counseling of the students at Neofit Rilski Primary School in Gabrovo, a team of school teachers, whose responsibility is the design and implementation of an innovative student counseling plan for students from Grade 1 to Grade 7, has been formed. A survey defining the level of information and preparedness of the students for choosing a profession and a secondary school has been conducted with the students of Grade 6 and Grade 7, their parents and teachers. There have been informative lessons presented by a career counselor from the Career Counseling Centre in Gabrovo. The pedagogical staff has gone through career counseling training. Some of the sessions were held out of the school, at the Career Counseling Centre. A focus group of parents has been organized which discussed different activities supporting the career counseling process of the children. The school team of experts, supervised by the Principal and who work according to the Career Counseling Plan, designed a set of instruments for evaluation.
A Portfolio of the Career Counseling Plan is organized and it is kept in the school library as part of the teachers’ methodology for good practice exchange. The students’ results were presented at the Day of Professions. In the end, every student who took part in the training received a professional support by a career counselor and each parent was asked to provide feedback.