E-Magazine "Pedagogical Forum"

Transformation of Teaching Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education in the Situation of Covid-19 (Based on the example of transforming academic practices in the Pedagogical Faculty of the Thracian University) Transformation of Teaching Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education in the Situation of Covid-19 (Based on the example of transforming academic practices in the Pedagogical Faculty of the Thracian University)
Year Ninth (2021) / Issue Second
Methodological Variant for Creation and Solution of Studying Situation when Forming Ecological Culture during Chemistry and Natural Environment Protection Education Process Methodological Variant for Creation and Solution of Studying Situation when Forming Ecological Culture during Chemistry and Natural Environment Protection Education Process
Year Ninth (2021) / Issue First
A Comparative Study of the Difficulties of the Pedagogical Specialists in the Process of Education of Children with Severe and Profound Multiple Disabilities in Bulgaria and Flanders (Belgium) A Comparative Study of the Difficulties of the Pedagogical Specialists in the Process of Education of Children with Severe and Profound Multiple Disabilities in Bulgaria and Flanders (Belgium)
Year Twelfth (2024) / Issue Second